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Deutsche VersionInterview mit Nattsol (09.06.2010)

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HH: Hi Erlend! I'm sure that many metalheads in Germany don't know your band up to now. So first I would like to ask you for some information about Nattsol. Who are the musicians, how and when did you come together.

Erlend: The core members of the band are me, Nattsjel (guitars) and Venomenon (vocals). We used session musicians for the rest of the instruments. When I had the songs for Stemning ready I really wanted the best people I could find to record it and after a lot of searching and auditioning the line-up was complete some time in 2007.

HH: I guess you remember the situation, when the band Nattsol was lifted from the cradle...

Erlend: Yes it was the time I wrote the first riff of the first song on the album. A special moment really and everything just grew from that little riff. I was just writing some music then and Nattsol as a band really didn't come together until Nattsjel and Venomenon joined.

HH: And how were the band members put together? Did you know each other from different projects?

Erlend: No I had never met them before. I placed a lot of ads on different forums on the internet where I said I was looking for people to record an album. I got quite a few responses but I think I made the right choice on all of them.

HH: I couldn't find any pictures of the musicians in the web and Prophecy Productions didn't provide any pics, either. Just coincidence or purpose?

Erlend: There are pictures but not of all of us together. We all live very far from each other and we just haven't been able to come together to do a band photo yet.

HH: How does it work when all the musicians live so far from each other to write or record the songs or do some rehearsal?

Erlend: We have to coordinate everything using the internet. For Stemning I had all the songs written before any of the other members joined so we only had to deal with the recording of the songs. On the next album it will be a more collaborative process and the way we will do it is that we will send ideas back and forth and then I will put all the ideas together into finished songs.

HH: And what was reason for the band members to become a Black Metal Band? Or would you say you're doing something completely different?

Erlend: Black Metal is a very good genre to use when you're trying to express both the calm and aggressive sides of nature because black metal can be both those things. If our music is black metal or not is for others to decide. Everyone seems to have their own opinion on what is black metal and what isn't. Maybe we could be called traditional black metal or something like that.

HH: In the promotional info sheet of the record-label you are compared with the early works of Ulver. I think that comparison works. What's your opinion about that?

Erlend: We are of course inspired by the early albums of Ulver and the sound they had. I just think they had a very organic sound back then and for some reason that fits very well with the atmospheres I want to create.

HH: In the review I also brought your music into connection with early works of Storm, Enslaved and Vintersorg. What do you think of this?

Erlend: Well I don't think I was directly inspired by any of those bands, but what is certain is that all those bands were also inspired by nature so the comparison is valid. Enslaved has done many great albums and I like the early albums of Vintersorg when he did some very good vocals.

HH: Has it been an intention of the band to create music in the vein of the middle 90th or does it just take place?

Erlend: That just took place I guess. I wanted to write music directly inspired by nature and that's how it came out.

HH: Regarding your song titles and the cover artwork I would say that the Norwegian landscapes play a certain role...

Erlend: Yeah, the Norwegian nature is a big inspiration to me but there are also many bands and albums I like that also influence me in one way or another.

HH: Would you please enumerate some of these essential albums you say, this one influenced my path as musician?
Erlend: It will be very hard to say exactly which ones inspired me to become a musician but certainly many of the old classic Norwegian albums.

HH: There are so many bands worldwide who try to copy this special Scandinavian sound. And most of them fail. Now there is a band called Nattsol entering into the spotlight and with their first album they manage easily what others try in vain. So - what do you think are the reasons. Can an album like Stemning only arise in Norway?

Erlend: You might be right about that. The music is so inspired by the Norwegian nature that you have to experience it in order to make this kind of music. Now there are many bands from other countries that have done great albums but you need the right source of inspiration to write this particular kind of music. If you use nature as an inspiration your music will always be influenced by the landscape of your home country.

HH: Now let's talk a little bit about Stemning. With what subjects are the lyrics dealing with? Is there a religious content or background?

Erlend: I never incorporate religion or politics in my music. The lyrics for Stemning are just nature descriptions really. The music is the most important thing on this album but in the future the lyrics will be more important. Venomenon (vocals) will be writing those lyrics and he is just a natural writer.

HH: Do you have a favourite title on the album?

Erlend: I like all the songs for different reasons but "Ved Aas I Haustmoerket" is one of my favourites. It just has this organic and "flowing" structure to it and it was also the first song I wrote for the album.

HH: In your own words: what expects the listener on stemming?

Erlend: A journey through the forests and mountains...

HH: Did you already play some live gigs with Nattsol?

Erlend: No we haven't.

HH: And is something in planning?

Erlend: Well not at this moment. We don't have any live plans actually. All the core members of the band live very far from each other and it would be very hard to do the rehearsing necessary to do good live shows. In the future, who knows...

HH: What are your destinations as a band? What do you want to reach with Nattsol?

Erlend: Our goal is to try and convey the moods and atmospheres of nature through music. It's as simple as that really. I personally have no ambitions beyond just making music I would like to listen to myself. That's a good thing about this genre. You can be pretty sure the musicians don't do it for money because there is none to be found. Honest music is always the best.

HH: What perfect final statement! Thanks a lot for the interview. Any last messages to our readership?

Erlend: I would encourage everyone to take a journey into the forest one day, far from any human sights or sounds. It is the most human and spiritual you will ever be...


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